Learn how to winterize your RV with our step-by-step video guide, utilizing both compressed air and anti-freeze. Alternatively, you can opt for the anti-freeze-only method.
Take a deep dive into RV winterization with our step-by-step video guide. Below, we've laid out the key steps showcased in the video, complete with the tools and supplies you'll need to winterize your RV like a pro.
Winterization RV Video Outline
These are the main steps needed to winterize your RV and follow along in order with the video.
Drain all holding tanks: freshwater, grey, and black.
Turn off the water heater.
Let the water cool and drain the water heater.
Remove the anode rod (for a steel water heater) or plastic plug (for an aluminum water heater).
Remove the inline water filter.
Put the water heater in bypass mode.
Compressed Air (Optional):
Blow out water lines according to the steps in the video.
Open up all faucets one at a time to blow air through the lines.
Anti-Freeze Method
Do steps 1-6 first (from first section).
Turn RV valves to winterize.
Open a bottle of anti-freeze and set it up to be sucked from the bottle.
Turn the RV water pump on.
Prime the system (about 1 jug) and run anti-freeze through both the hot and cold lines.
Run anti-freeze through all faucets, shower, toilets, etc., both hot and cold lines.
Switch jugs of anti-freeze as needed.
Open low-point drains, both hot and cold lines.
Run anti-freeze through the black tank flush line (if possible).
Close freshwater, grey, and black water holding tank valves.
Pour anti-freeze down all drains to fill p-traps.
Pour anti-freeze into the toilet, flush, fill again, and leave some in the bottom of the toilet.
Turn the RV water pump off.
Drain and disconnect the fresh water hose and sewer hoses.
Winterization RV Checklist
Here is the example checklist we use and give to our customers after winterizing their RV.
Winterization Tools & Supplies Used
RV Antifreeze (any type like this will work)
Gloves & Rags
Get Your RV Winterized
If you are located in our service area and need your RV winterized, click here for all the details!
About Us
Mobile RV Tech Services specializes in onsite RV repair, maintenance, and inspections. We service your RV at your home, campground, or storage unit in Iosco county in Michigan from April 15 - December 15, and Houston, Texas, from January 1 - April 1.

You can learn more about the services we offer and find additional RV resources on our website at https://www.mobilervtechservices.com.